Friday, July 19, 2013



There's a definition for Power. I can go to google, type it in, and a generated answer appears before me. A definition. But I'm a sucker for being creative. So I'm going to go ahead and define what I think power is. Let's just say, I saw a movie just now called, "Beautiful Creatures" and I am over the moon (spoiler? hehehe) inspired.

Power for me is an abstract. It has it's real meaning, which holds true. But for me I look at it and I try to shape it, reflect, and put it to personal use.

Power is within us, as much as it is universal, cultural, apart of our history, and connected to ideas, meaning, and human nature. It is the thing within us, other then our metaphorical heart, and mind that is a driving force. It's will power, it's self power, it's physical, emotional, psychological...power.

Often our power can be manipulated. It can be taken away. And well it happens to bring out the worst in people. It is seen with negative intentions because people let it become dark. Power has created so many issues, hurt so many people, driven people mad hungry over it, but when they have it...use it to destroy others. Use this type of power to be that guy at the party who's has that attitude that his dick is bigger then everyone's parts in the room.  Even girls private parts. He wants everyone to know that he's tough shit. When really...he hides behind that attitude because he has insecurities he doesn't know where to start to, even deal with them. There's a scared boy who looks like a man but hides behind his power. Hides behind that thing that makes him seem like a dick. He acts like a dick because it's a pattern. And maybe he gave up trying to find who he really is....

or maybe he's just a dick.

Everyone has power. And it's that thing that makes you stand up for yourself. It's that energy, the vibe, the mentality that drives you to work. You have authority, you obey authority and respect it.  Power teaches you to stay positive. Even if you are at your lowest. It says, don't give up. It's that second after you think about killing yourself, that says, "that was stupid, I don't want to die." You don't want to die. You want to live until you see your grandkids and maybe their grandkids. And that's power. That's what makes you motivated to finish that essay you've been putting off. You know that at the end of the school year, you will get that degree or whatever you just accomplished. You did it. All on your own.

Power is positive.

It's that moment after you tell someone you love them. It's that second or two where you feel like you can do anything. You are Batman right now. Alfred nodded at you and smiled. And cat woman is seated directly in front of you. And you are alive. You don't fear a thing. But fear comes and decides it can take things away from you. It causes you to do things, say things, act a certain way, and often it causes you heartbreak. Well fuck fear! Don't let it hold you back! That's power. That voice saying, I'm amazing and beautiful. You don't need a girlfriend or boyfriend to make you happy. YOU make yourself happy. YOU are the reason people smile when they see you. Want to be around YOU. Because you have that spark inside you that is powerful. It can save the world. YOU are BATMAN.

Power is passion and dreaming and taking risks. It's knowing you will make a mistake. But it's knowing you can make it better or that you will evolve. You will grow, love, and feel an emotional roller coaster. But it's all worth it at the end of the day because tomorrow is coming. Even if it isn't coming. You can feel it. And that's power.

You are loved. Love is power given to you and it's your job to spread it out to as many loved ones as you can. Power makes you think. It can be tricky, dark and twisty. But if you are hungy for the right kind of power. It rewards you. It has rewarded me with an eye opening experience and is the reason for these words of wisdom.

Power is war. A war against everything. Every conflict you can think of in a book. Yourself, others, religion, sex, the world, etc. And you win the war. By being yourself. And keeping one foot in front of the other, even if you have to army crawl. YOU know. YOU just know. YOU are powerful. YOU are meaningful and you matter to everyone around you. And knowing. And knowledge of power....will make you strong. Make you believe. And you should believe in yourself.

Start with knowing...power is a spider web placed in the middle of it. And everything connected to you, vibrates when you move. YOU are that important. YOU catch your prey, you savour every bite, you are grateful, lucky, and deserve it. You deserve power.

But with every power you hold comes great responsibility

( see what I did there)

Be safe on this lovely friday.
I expect you use your powers for good.
If not.
No ones perfect.
But don't hurt anyone.

Be nice.
Life is a chapter that ends and then begins.

Tomorrow is coming !


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